Post-video Reflection/Discussion Questions:

  • Were the levels of sexual violence and harassment reported by students during college surprising to you? Why or why not?
  • The video outlined many of the major changes and initiatives that Irish universities are now engaging in this area including the Consent Framework. Were you aware of these measures prior to watching the video? Why do you think that these issues have been able to gain significant traction now? What possibilities and obstacles do you think the college sector faces in sustaining this momentum and implementing change on the ground?
  • Prior to this video, would you have been able to define consent or sexual violence or distinguish between different kinds of sexual harassment? Was there anything new or surprising in the definitions from this video?
  • Prior to this video, would you have felt that you had a role as a staff member to engage with these issues as part of your job? How do you feel after engaging with this video?
  • What were your concerns as a staff member about the issues covered by the video before and after engaging with this resource?
  • We communicate our disclosure tips by sharing basic “Dos” and “Don’ts.” Did any of the suggestions surprise you? Do you feel like you now have a better grip on the language you might use to respond if someone comes to you with a disclosure?
  • What if anything did you learn about the ways in which an individual might choose to deal with their experience of sexual violence and/or harassment? Do you feel now that you know where you would refer someone if they disclosed to you?
  • What questions do you still have or what would you like to learn more about?

If you or your group would like to avail of more in-depth staff training following engagement with this video, contact us here »

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